deutsch | english | hrvatski | español | français | Slovenščina | עברית | العربية | polski | český | Nederlands | italiano | português | português brasileiro | 한국어
Processing company
Processing company
Jewellers and jewellery processors can process osmium without participating in the trade themselves. These partners are kindly requested to contact us via the contact form or by telephone on the hotline +49 (89)7 44 88 88 88 - 88.
You will learn how to work with osmium and how make moulds, cut and process it and combine it with other metals.
If jewellers come up with their own designs, their creations will gladly be integrated into the international trade network.
deutsch | english | hrvatski | español | français | Slovenščina | עברית | العربية | polski | český | Nederlands | italiano | português | português brasileiro | 한국어
Registergericht München